You may be a Techie if you write poems about Techies.

You may be a Techie if your seventh grade teacher would pull you out of class at least once a week to fix her printer.

You may be a Techie if you have a drawer full of cables.

You may be a Techie if you keep the box to every electronic you buy.

You may be a Techie if you never leave the house without your flash drive.

You may be a Techie if you have more than 5 computers.

You may be a Techie if you can hardly read an analog clock.

You may be a Techie if your Spanish teacher makes references to you every day when we ate learning Capítulo Seis: El Technomundo.

You may be a Techie if it annoys you to death that your history does not set the keystone on her projector.

You may be a Techie if you cringe when someone calls a netbook a laptop.

You may be a Techie if you have a heart attack when your mom drops her phone.

You may be a Techie if you thought your three year old sister to flawlessly work an iPad.

You may be a Techie if you were at a restaurant when you were ten and while talking about wireless networks a man comes over and offers you a job at his computer store.

You may be a Techie if you can not listen to only one ear bud because you have to have stereo sound.

You may be a Techie if you know what USB stands for and when it came out.

You may be a Techie if you can not stand when someone calls and iPod an MP3 player and vise-versa.

Mollie McDonough
4/19/2011 10:37:36 pm

Let me guess, Holden!


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