Reader Responses

Reader responses are all about making connections with the text. There are three types of connections:

Text to World - connect the text to issues elsewhere, either current or past, that involve other people, cultures, and events.

Text to Self - connect the story to yourself. It doesn't have to be just like what has happened to you. In some text-to-self connections it is more of a "what would I have done in this character's situation?" kind of response.

Text to Text - connect what you read to other stories, songs, poems, articles, TV shows, movies, etc.

In order for a reader response to earn full credit, you must prove that you have read. A reader response is NOT a summary, but it's enough about what happened in the story to help you make a connection in order to prove that you read. Check out the following examples of reader responses. The Chocolate War example uses direct quotes to help guide the connections and prove reading. The Giver example is a good example of just writing about the connection. Do not be overwhelmed by the length; these are exceptional examples.
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