Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Reading Into the Wild is a great way to not only get inside the mind of "crazy" people such as Chris McCandless, the subject of the book, but this book also serves as a great tool for looking at the style and structure of a non fiction piece.

Photo Album Project

Into the Wild Project:

Photo Album Narrative


            A couple of weeks ago you wrote a narrative. In the Into the Wild, Chris McCandless keeps a photo album to tell of his own narrative. Your task is to create a fictional narrative in which you use pictures and one sentence captions to tell a story. The photos can be ones you find on the Internet or you can take your own photos with you or your friends as the “actors.” I prefer the latter idea; I think it’d be fun. Others in class will be “reading” these photo album narratives, so make it something that you’d be proud of.



-         15 photos with short captions

-         Cohesive story (not all over the place; has a point)

-         Must use a binder, photo album, or scrapbook

-         Designed cover that reflects your narrative’s theme

-          Title page

-         One-page, typed, double-spaced reflection on your project. Although you don’t have to answer all of them, consider the following questions:

o       How did you come up with your ideas?

o       What is your story’s strength?

o       What is your weakness? How can you make this part stronger?

o       If you did this project again, what would you do differently?

-         Include this rubric




Item (possible points)


Photos (15)


Cohesive, creative, well-planned storyline (15)


Used binder, album, or scrapbook (5)


Creative cover (10)


Title Page (5)


Reflection (10)


Rubric included (5)


Total (65)